In Saragota, WarHorse senter

Nico’s Days in Saratoga at WarHorse with American war veterans and Horse Powers Film Crew..

More to come…

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Eva- Horse Powers film project leader, “Last out of Panama”- the off.track horse with Nico after.

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Nico & Jon – Horse Powers producer with an American Veteran looking after their ´connections´

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Nico- former soldier- leading his new friend “Panama”- former thoroughbred race horse back to pasture.

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Nico and his new USA military friends: Tripp and Daniel. Now graduates of Saragota WarHorse.

Photo credit: Mary Kay McCollum

Day 2 & 3 – Conneticut

Nico, Eva and Jon drove up to Ridgefield CT and visited Jons family where we stayed till we headed up to WarHorse in Saratoga, NY. It was nice meeting the American family of the producer and his folks, sister, and brother-in-law hosted an outdoor dinner. They were very hospitable and I felt right at home. Nico played some basketball with Jon’s nephew Sean and had nice conversations with DJ, -film director and hedge fund manager. Lots of focus on American politics now in USA on TV there with the debates surrounding Trump & Clinton. Its more calming to be in the countryside for me than big cities.

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Jon – Horse Powers producer with Horze cap on family with Saturday afternoon lunch.

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DJ – U.S. Film Director and Nico.

Day 1 NYC

Nico, the Horse Powers crew, Jon and Eva Learn after arriving JFK airport late Thursday night and  staying at hotel in Union Square, Manhattan, we had sausage and egg sandwiches, milk & coffee at a coffee shop on 3rd Avenue for breakfast Friday. Then we walked all the way down past Canal Street and Soho stopping in several shops along the way. We got a big yellow taxi the rest of the way to Battery Park where we caught the ferry to Liberty Island and the Statue of Liberty. Before the boat we took a pic of Freedom Tower. After a giant cheeseburger at the Statue I visited the 911 Memorial museum. This was emotional for me as I took my decision to be a combat soldier instead of a fireman after I saw those twin towers fall. I thought I could do the most good for free-world as soldier, like my forefathers.

Overall for me, NYC was some experience but the crowds and noise wore heavy on my PTSD at times.Screen Shot 2016-05-12 at 12.14.23Screen Shot 2016-05-12 at 12.14.36

On an amazing journey…

Quote from Catherine Fodsatd- 4 aug -Norwegian 1000km Mongol Derby rider reporting in Mongolia from start are day before race;)

”So far it has exceeded my fantasies. We all had a vision of the event, and this place, when we entered. So far I had underestimated it.”
— Catherine Fodstad